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Justice League:You can't save the world alone!

Today, let’s talk about the movie- Justice League.
Wonder Woman is undoubtedly a symbol of motherhood in the Justice League. Her teammates are mostly withdrawn and not good at dealing with people.So when you hear her comment that her teammates are "a group of kids," you will really smile.I must also confess that Wonder Woman is really like a mother in this episode.This is not to disparage Gal Gadot , but to affirm her leadership within the Justice League, which can hold up half the sky with warmth and conviction.She has stepped out of the shadow of Steve Trevor, although it has been a century (1917~2017)!
Batman Bruce Wayne has the look of a middle-aged man, still passionate, but physically weaker than before.Seeing that he was dropped from the sky by the Superman to the ground, his left hand was dislocated, and his right waist was bleeding. Fortunately, Diana helped him with massage.Seriously, I can't imagine that in the DC extended universe, Batman would flirt with Wonder Woman.In BVS (Batman vs. Superman), Batman and Wonder Woman seem to well matched, and now it seems that the charm of Bruce has been reduced.It’s no wonder that when he was jealous of Diana’s ex-boyfriend Steve Trevor, the words were finished, he was immediately hammered by Diana and almost suffocated.
The most childlike character in the movie is the Flash.He always wants to compete with people to project himself.He did save Superman at a crucial moment.I can understand his empty mind.When the Flash met the father in prison at the end of the film, he took out the official forensic staff certificate of the police station, which represented self-affirmation.And he and superman bet to race to the Pacific Ocean, is indicative of the sunshine boy's extraordinary journey!
Aquaman is very athletic. He can communicate with the sea.But "I wonder if he can talk to the fish?”Although it is a joke of Bruce, it shows the extraordinary ability of Prince Atlantis. We know from the plot that he is alienated from his mother, Queen Atlantis, and has been banished for hundreds of years.Frankly, he's one of those “kids” who loves “aunt Diana”.The humorous point is that the rough man is daring to confess to her. It turns out that he is sitting on the Truth Lasso while he is talking.
Cyborg is very special character. After a car accident, his appearance is not like human beings. He may suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).Although he is free to operate all the mechanical equipment, when he feels dangerous, the arm will naturally transform into a weapon defense mode and fire at the enemy.I was impressed that he was persuaded by Diana to join the team. Maternal love is indeed the most invincible positive force, enabling marginalized people to return to society and exert their abilities.
we did not see Superman in the stills,what role can he play in the Justice League?The author believes that the key point is to analyze the transformation of the mentality of Superman after rebirth.I think the leader of the Justice League must be Superman.He faced the frontal siege of Batman, Wonder Woman ,Aquaman and Cyborg, could also notice the sneak attack of the Flash on the right rear, and easily resolve the offensive.
Fans can get a lot of fun from Justice League, because there are so many humorous dialogues in the movie.After watching the Justice League, you can better understand the differences between DC and Marvel universe.

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