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How to cosplay Movie Assassin's Creed Sofia Sartor

More about Sofia Sartor
Sofia is the daughter of Alan Rikkin and the leading scientist of the Animus project at Abstergo Foundation. Sofia is a brilliant scientist determined to use science to eradicate humanity's violent impulses and create a harmonious world. She might not see the dark underside of the modern-day Templars' causes, and her allegiance is yet to be tested.

Marion Cotillard described Sofia's relationship with her father as "twisted". Their relationship is distant, and she tries everything to make him proud," she explains. "But at the same time, she starts to understand that they're not really on the same page. The most important thing for her is not to impress her father. It's to achieve what she started.

Assassin’s Creed is both a game and a movie. Here, mainly speaking is the female Sofia Sartor in the movie Assassin’s Creed, she is young and beautiful, loved by fans, and her cosplay costume.

If you also want to role-play her on Halloween, then this Sofia Sartor’s costume will definitely be a good choice. Here are some descriptions of the details of the costume and more you want to know.

Sofia Sartor Undershirt:
The sweatshirt is a long-sleeved cloth. You can see it from the pictures or materials. The workmanship is very meticulous and the materials are generous, especially the decoration on the chest, which makes the sweatshirt look more gorgeous. And the cuts are very good, all are selected fabrics. Put on this dress, you will feel our great intentions.

Sofia Sartor Pants:
Don't forget the pants of Sofia Sartor. Pants are a selection of fabrics that are both stylish and relaxing. Pairing the right pants will make you look young and energetic. Great for people who like it.

Sofia Sartor Cloak:
The cloak is a very important part of cosplay costume, which is used in many cases under role-playing. The cloak is attached to the hat. As an excellent assassin, it should have more qualified equipment. Moreover, the leather material of the cloak can shelter from the wind and rain, making it ideal for dressing up.

Sofia Sartor Apron:
When you use an apron, it is actually like a skirt, because your character setting is an assassin, so this cosplay is to escape and move freely. Careful observation will also reveal products that are carefully crafted. Value for money.

Sofia Sartor Boots:
Of course, cosplay costume is the boots, so you have to have a pair of similar boots. These boots look very beautiful and comfortable, which is one of the reasons why it can exist. The design of the boots is very special, especially if you are envious of others, because you have chosen this cosplay costume.

Like Belt, Belt accessories, Wristbands, Hilt, Hood, Belt apron, Waist protector, Gloves, Hidden Blades. These things are very important, for cosplay Sofia Sartor. Because with them increases the appearance of your costume. Whether it is the absence of any item, it is incomplete.

So, these were the most famous costumes of the character Sofia Sartor from Assassin’s Creed. Go to a theme party, Halloween or just have a Assassin’s Creed fan get together, you have your costumes ready for this character. It serves all your Assassin’s Creed fan needs and looks exactly like the original character.

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