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Best cosplay ideas for couple-Try to cosplay 2B and 9S from Nier:Automata

Neil: Automata is an M level action adventure game developed by square Enix and Platinum studios.Neil:Automata is available for pre-order in Japan on December 22, 2016 and is published by Square Enix.The full version was released in Japan on February 23, 2017 for the Play Station 4, delayed to March 17 on the PC, and on the Steam store.The story of Neil:Automata takes place in the same world as its predecessor, setting up a whole new storyline that has little to do with the first generation.
Although 2B and 9S are not lovers in the game, they are only bioroid fighting side by side,but in the long-term relationship, they also began to produce special feelings.Compared with humans that have never been seen before, they are beginning to pay attention to other things that are worthy of protection, so that they can more clearly feel the value of their existence.The relationship between 2B and 9S is more of faith than affection. They regard protecting each other and letting the other live as their life goal, so as to make themselves have the meaning of survival.
You can see how reckless they are in protecting each other, sacrificing themselves to keep each other alive.In fact, as long as one of them is dead, the other is still unable to survive.In the end, after A2 saved 9S and sent him away, pod's correspondent still said he was dead.
This subtle emotion exists not only between bioroid , but also between humans.If you don't want to cosplay a character yourself this year, then cosplay 2B and 9S from Nier:Automata with your partner.It will be a special experience.

Cosplay isn't just about dressing up as your favorite character or a way to get involved in role-playing. Cosplay gives individuals a new creative outcome. This is no doubt, an expression of interest.Cosplay is the art of imitating characters in animation, comics, video games, or other visual media. Although cosplay was initially a trend in Japan, it is now popular around the world, with many cosplay communities and activities.Whether you are a cosplayer or a gamer, you can participate in these activities and enjoy the fun of cosplay.
If you decide to cosplay 2B and 9S with your partner, now you should think about how to get 2B and 9S cosplay costumes.It's up to you to go to a cosplay store or buy it online.If you are in a hurry to start your cosplay, you'd better go to the cosplay store to buy costumes.Because it's so convenient, you can get what you want quickly.If you don't mind waiting a few weeks, then you can buy them online.Shopping online may save you some money because there are often some discounts when you pay for your order.
Finally, don't forget the details.For example, the 2B wig color, the 9S mask and gloves are all things you should pay attention to.Accessories are also an important part of your 2B and 9S cosplay.

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